Monday, May 27, 2013

Fight Night

The bar was a mess, and Buck had left me in charge. That was a mistake. You would think that I would know something about running the bar by now, considering that I've lived with Buck since I was 15, but I don't. I know how to mix drinks, and clean tables. That's it. He told me he would be back tonight, because he was going to visit his hooker friend Marcy. So I had just started mopping the floor when Bre Parker walked in. She looked like hell. "Yo, Bre, we're closed babe. I gotta get this place clean 'fore Buck gets back." She looked at me with pain looming behind those blue eyes of hers. She approached me and took the mop from my hands. "You suck at mopping. Go do something else, and I'll do this." I winked at her, which got a half-hearted smile in response, and went to wipe off the tables. With her help it only took us an hour to clean the whole place. She then took a seat at the bar, and placed her head in her hands. I popped open a couple of beers and set one down in front of her. "Sump'in wrong?" I said before downing half of the brown liquid in my bottle. She just sighed. I laughed. "It's Owe, isn't it?" She nodded, and took several long swigs of her beer. "What'd he do now?" I asked still laughing. She took a minute to answer, and I tried to make a serious face. "You know just as well as I do." And she finished her beer. I cracked open another and handed it to her. "Audrey?" I questioned. "Audrey." She replied whilst nodding her head. She then handed me another empty bottle, so I poured something with a little more kick. I gave her a shot of whiskey. "Screw 'er. I mean she's cool, but I don't get what all of the fuss is about." Audrey was my friend, especially since she started dating Hunter, but she wasn't the prettiest girl, and no matter how hard she tried to act innocent, I saw her for what she really was. She was just as selfish, crazy, conceited, and wild as I was, I saw a lot of myself in her. "I dunno. I don't really want to talk about it." She shrugged. "Welp, Dal and Buck's gonna be here soon, and I've gotta fight tonight. You wanna come?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. She looked up at me from under all of the hair in her face. "Really?" I pushed my hair back nervously and looked down. "Uh, yeah? Why not? You could be my good luck charm." I mumbled. She downed her shot. "Hell, let's do it." I grinned. We sat around talking some more until Buck walked in cursing about the traffic on his back. Bre and I got in my truck, and we drove to the other side of town to my trainer's gym. "Just a forewarning, you might have to drive me home later. 'Kay?" Tonight was going to be a pretty rough fight, and I knew that no matter who won or lost, I was gonna get the shit kicked out of me. I walked in and greeted my trainer Miguel. "Bre this is Miguel. Miguel this is my friend Bre." They shook hands and Bre took a seat on one of the empty chairs outside of the ring. Miguel and I started on some warm ups, and then we were on our way to the arena. We were sitting in the holding room, and I was trying to psych my self up. I always got really nervous right before a fight. Bre placed her hand on my shoulder, and kissed me on the cheek. "Calm down, you've got this." She said, and I immediately felt better. A wave of peace came over me, and then it was time. I walked out and entered the cage. I could see Bre on the sidelines. I turned to Miguel. "I'm gonna win this for her. I'm not gonna look like a pussy in fronta her." I yelled at him over the music. Miguel nodded, and reminded me to stay focused. The other guy was a foot taller than me, and looked fierce. But I'd seen him fight before, so I knew his weaknesses and the flaws in his technique. And if there was anything that I was good at, it was finding the other guy's weakness. He came at me hard and fast, but I just kept dodging. I wanted to wear him out. He got me good with several hits to the face, plus a roundhouse kick to the head, but I kept moving.Then he opened up his frame, and left an opening. I took it. I hit him with a triple, and then jumped back. It took him a second to recover. He then lunged at me, and wrapped his legs around my waist. I was on the floor in an instant, but I wasn't going to let him get the best of me. I rolled to my side, tightened my legs, and pulled him arm back into a bar. I could hear him screaming out in pain, so I pulled harder. Then he tapped out. It was over in the first round. I had won, and I was exhausted. When I got to leave the cage, Bre ran up to ecstatic. "You did so great!!" She squealed. I picked her up and spun around. "Girl, I told ya, you're my good luck charm!" She giggled, and let out loud scream of victory. I carried her to the back so I could get my face all doctored up, and when they were finished, I turned to Bre. "Let's celebrate! Drinks are on me! To Buck's?" I yelled. "To Buck's!" She replied, pointing at the door, and we were on our way.